BEN – Lynwood Sunningdale
Client: BEN The Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund
Instruction: Planning advice on redevelpment
Chase & Partners have been appointed by BEN – The Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund – to advise on the redevelopment of its existing facility at Lynwood in Sunningdale. As well as being the Charity’s head office the site also contains a nursing and residential home and a number of sheltered housing units which currently house over 100 frail and elderly residents
In order to secure its future, BEN is seeking to redevelop the Lynwood site to provide a state of the art Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). Having received an encouraging response from the local planning authority to an initial pre-application submission made by Chase & Partners outlining the principles of the proposed development, we are now working with BEN on the development of a formal planning application which will address in the issues raised by the site’s environmental and ecological sensitivity as well as its designation as Metropolitan Green Belt.
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