Gemini Securitisation portfolio – Expert Witness
From 2014 to 2017 Graham Chase was one of three Experts appointed to consider the appropriateness of the valuations prepared in the £1.3 billion Gemini Securitisation portfolio by two national valuer companies used in the £1.2 billion securitisation exercise. The portfolio included a large number of shopping centres and retail warehouse parks in the UK where a claim for professional negligence was promoted by the European bond holders. The claim was settled out of court. Graham’s expertise was sought on over 35 investment retail and leisure properties with a combined value of over £1 billion on issues of valuation including the market conditions as at the date of the valuation reports, RICS “Red Book” valuation criteria and application, analysis and assessment of the Market Rents and commercial Net Initial, Equivalent, Equated and Reversionary Yield profiles in respect of the valuation Market Values.
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