Huguenot House in Leicester Square
Instruction: Development Advice
Chase and Partners were instructed by Westminster City Council to advise them on the proposed redevelopment of Huguenot House in Leicester Square, which included undertaking an independent review of the project to date, to consider the market conditions and provide any recommendation on our findings to a panel of Westminster City Council members. Chase and Partners assessed the market viability reflecting the location coupled with demand in respect of the commercial/leisure elements and provided commentary to the proposed design put forward in order to bring forward a viable scheme which would complement the surrounding area.
Subsequently, Chase and Partners team lead by Graham Chase have been reappointed as the selected advisors to Westminster City Council under the leadership of Gerald Eve as the lead consultant for the next stage of the regeneration and development strategy with Chase and Partners to provide advice and evidence in respect of commercial property matters, occupier demand and viability.
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