London – Cross Harbour
Client: London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Instruction: Local Authority Consultancy
Chase & Partners were invited by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to tender for the review and evaluation of a development appraisal submitted with a planning application for the demolition and redevelopment of the current ASDA store at Cross Harbour.
As lead consultant of an advisory team that included a residential specialist and a cost consultant, we were successful in our bid and were accordingly instructed by LBTH.
The proposed development included: the demolition of the existing ASDA supermarket to provide a larger replacement; flexible, food and non food retail floor space; residential units; community space; office space; and public realm improvements including new vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping and new private and public open space. The development is expected to be built out in a number of phases over a total estimated period of 8 years.
We were required to evaluate the applicant’s development appraisal, provide detailed explanation and justification as to whether the applicant’s arguments about scheme design, level of financial contributions and provision of affordable housing were robust, within an agreed timescale.
Our final report was submitted to LBTH within the agreed timescale and included our residential, commercial and cost conclusions. Following this submission we were further instructed by LBTH to provide a commentary on the revisions to the applicant’s supplementary viability assessment and their effect the on viability of the scheme. We were requested to act as swiftly as possible and we completed our report efficiently and within a strict timescale.
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