Shepherds Bush – Asset Management of West 12 Centre
Client: Land Securities
Instruction: Planning advice
Chase and Partners are retained as planning advisor to Land Securities on their redevelopment and modernisation of the West 12 Shopping and Leisure Centre in Shepherds Bush, London. Our role consists of giving comprehensive planning advice and management of the planning issues relevant to West 12 that arise on a day to day basis as well as the submission of individual planning applications undertaken on an ad hoc basis.
To date, Chase & Partners have submitted representations to the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham as part of their Local Development Framework Core Strategy consultation process to increase the prominence and raise the profile of the West 12 Centre within Core Strategy future policy direction. We have also submitted minor applications for advertisement banners, progressed discussions with the council in lieu of a pre-application meeting regarding forthcoming planning applications such as the addition of a locally significant hotel, additional floorspace to a Morrison’s food store, the introduction of a large doctors surgery as well as other alterations and have also given advice on various technical planning matters such as use class designations and planning conditions.
With cases such as this, Chase and Partners prides itself on being able to drive the project forward whilst working within a large collection of consultants, agents and professionals to meet the requirements and aspirations of the client.
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